Crew Biographies

McKenzie Gowie as Stage Manager

What got you interested in drama?
When I was little, my mother used to take me to see plays frequently and I’ve always loved watching them. When the opportunity arose a few years ago to be a part of Elmwood Theatre, I figured I’d take the opportunity.

 What is your favorite film?
Forest Gump is my favourite because it ties important political and social evens of the late twentieth century to the life of a seemingly unimportant individual. The film shows that everyone makes an impact and everyone is special.

Who is your favorite actor/actress and why?
Alan Alda is my favourite actor because I’ve never disliked anything I’ve seen him in and his directing and screenwriting is also interesting. His smile can light up a room.

What is your favorite part of being involved in the play?
My favourite part of being involved in play is the sense of family. During the rehearsal time, the cast and crew become tight-knit and it’s nice to have a second family.

 What is your favorite play that you have been apart of?
My favourite play I was a part of is Schoolhouse. Elmwood Theatre did a production of it in 2008 and the cast and crew were amazing. We had a great time putting on a show with both comedic and tragic elements.

 What is the most challenging aspect about being in a play?
The time commitment is challenging because we all have other activities, home responsibilities, social lives and homework to juggle as well. It can be difficult to fit it all in but it’s worth it.

What do you hope people will take away from the performance?
I hope the audience is reminded of the importance of having an imagination.

Megan Sweeney as Sound Technician and Stage Manager

What got you interested in drama?

first became interested in drama in my 8th grade year, when we took ALC. 

What is your favorite film?

My favorite film currently is Les Miserables.

Who is your favorite actor/actress and why?

 My favorite actress is Meryl Streep. She has taken on so many various roles, and has done so well in all her years of acting.

What is your favorite part of being involved in the play?

 For me, the best part of being in a play is meeting people with the same interests as you, regardless of their age. 

 What is your favorite play that you have been apart of?

My favorite production that I have been a part of is Peter Pan.

What is your favorite part of being involved in the play?

For me, the best part of being in a play is meeting people with the same interests as you, regardless of their age.

What is the most challenging aspect about being in a play?

 The most challenging aspect of being part of a production such as this is the commitment and dedication it takes to get a play like this running smoothly. 

What do you hope people will take away from the performance?

  From this play, I hope people will take away the important message of enjoying youth and staying young at heart. 

Carlotta Cellini as Lighting Coordinator

What got you interested in drama?
Since I was little I really enjoyed watching plays and I remember picturing myself in them. After watching last year’s Elmwood performance, I really wanted to get more involved in drama and apply to something this year.

 What is your favorite film?
The very classic “The Sound of Music”.

  Who is your favorite actor/actress and why ?
I really like Jennifer Lawrence, she is someone I look up to and I can relate to her as well. What I like about her is that she is not superficial, she is funny, and she sticks to what she believes in. Without mentioning the fact that she plays Katniss in the Hunger Games, one of my favorite movies.

 What is your favorite part of being involved in the play?
I get to actually be part of the play, I help it to become what it will be, and I think that is really amazing, and all of this, with a lot of nice and outgoing people!

What is the most challenging aspect about being in a play?
The most challenging aspect about being in a play is probably working with all the different, it is fun but also challenging to work with all the different ideas and different interpretations of everyone.

 What do you hope people will take away from the performance?
I hope they will be able to come out and feel how much practice and how much challenge it was for everyone to make the play, also, I hope they will have felt they "traveled" into the story, I think the best thing when watching a play is to feel like you are part of the story, and I hope people will feel that.

Melanie Greenley as Makeup Design

 What got you interested in drama?
What originally got me interested in drama was the desire to break out of my shell. I was rather shy, but since I entered drama two years ago that shell has shattered into a million pieces.

What is your favorite film?
I have so many favorite films, and it changes every week. Recently I really love Warm Bodies. It’s a great modern take on Romeo and Juliet that warms my heart, and zombies are also a plus.

  Who is your favorite actor/actress and why?
Once again I have too many favorite actors to count. I really love Jennifer Laurence; she is so funny and genuine and seems like a great person.

What is your favorite part of being involved in the play?
My favorite part of being involved in the play is the tight family aspect that comes with it. I have so many friends in other grades that I never would have met if I wasn’t in the play.

What is your favorite play that you have been apart of?
I would say this one because Peter Pan in my favorite fairy tale. I love the magical aspects the play has, and the cast/crew this year is amazing!

 What is the most challenging aspect about being in a play?
The most challenging aspect of being in play is visualizing the end piece. Since everyone is so spread out through the production its hard to think of what it will look like when it all comes together, but then when you see it all finished it just amazing!

   How long have you been creating clothing? And are you excited for your designs to be in the play?
This is actually my first year designing clothes so I’m very nervous about it. I am excited to see the costumes on stage and under the lights.

Lyanna Abdul-Rahmen as Percussion

Margaret Pateman as Assistant Stage Manager

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